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Am I eligible to participate in this clinical study?

Before taking the quiz please note: This quiz is simply a guide, your eligibility will ultimately be determined by a prescriber.


Are you 18+ years old and suffer from a chronic condition?

A condition is chronic if it has been present for more than 3 months and diagnosed by a healthcare practitioner.


Are you taking or have you previously taken medication(s) for the medical condition you are wanting to treat?


Has the medication(s) prescribed for your condition been unsuccessful OR produced unwanted side effects?


Are you currently taking prescribed medical cannabis?

NB. Enrolment in this study requires participants to be NOT currently taking prescribed medicinal cannabis.


Thank you!
Please share your name and email so we can confirm the next steps to participate in the QUEST study.

Contact the QUEST Support team

Phone 1300 664 369

Please note QUEST support business hours are 9am – 5pm Australian Western Standard Time